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Flipkart - The Best Online Shopping Website for India

Flipkart LogoOnline shopping is still lacking some major upgrades in the country like India, many online websites like eBay and Amazon are still the king of online shopping and they deliver the best experience for online shopping. So in this race many new online companies took birth but lacking some support design they simply vanished away but still one website called “Flipkart” is till fighting to get to the top rank for online shopping service, and yes it deservers that position.
If you are new to Online shopping in India and want a nice to start up than this n will surely amuse you out with its nice online warehouse and reliable delivery results. Flipkart was founded by Sachin and Binny Bansal in 2007 as a small online business of online Book store but as competition was rising they soon transformed their small business into huge and big online shopping mart. They now has a database of like 1 million books which fast and easy searchable database.Flipkart Homepage

Product Categories on Flipkart :

Products on FlipkartFlipkart is now not only the online Books Store but well established online Wall-Mart, you can get anything you want with huge discounts and with trust of purity. Flipkart has a huge database of providing you stuff like Books, Mobile Accessories, ComputerProducts, Cameras and many other stuff which you can see on the right hand side image.
The best thing about about Flipkart is its fast and easy searching database you simply want something you type some of its keywords and you get that product right in front of your eyes. You can check out its specs and than choose if you want to order it or add it to your wishlist.
Now if you find any Mobile phone useful and want to check all its specs just click on it and it will open in new tab and show you what's the price what you get with it and all other technical specs.
Like I searched for Samsung Galaxy Note and I liked the White color so I clicked it and I simply got window like below displaying everything about Galaxy Note.
Galaxy Note on Flipkart
So now you can see that you will get a free Designer Flip Cover worth rupees 1799 with every Galaxy Note you purchase. You will all its specs and much more so its fantastic if you want full details plus you buy you get it right @ one place.

Payment Mode :

Payment paying system on Flipkart is extremely remarkable, well you have loads of payment option with which you can pay for your stuff. The best one which every one prefers right now is Cash On Delivery, yes Flipkart has this option as the first and preferred one with which you can your amount when you receive that product right @ your doorstep. You can check your product and if its safe and sound well it will be than simply pay the whole amount its that simple, but if you wanna pay it online than they have many options which you can check out below.
Payment Mode on Flipkart
So you payout with Net Banking, Credit Card, Debit Card, e-Gift Voucher so which ever suits you and your parents you pay with that thing and do not worry about your security as it’s a verified company.

Delivery Status :

If you like everything what ever I have discussed above you might be thinking that now what about the delivery status, is it good do we get our stuff on time, well the answer is Yes and this is not just my answer its by every current Flipkart Customer as I have used it and I became fan of it after just one purchase.
Let me say the delivery status is awesome dude, I just ordered my first PC Game and Bitdefender Antivirus from them and I received them like in 2 days but they said that you will receive within 3 working days, so I just got it one day earlier and now I am a regular customer on their website and recently I just ordered a Logitech Wireless Gamepad which will be reviewing in my upcoming posts and let me say that delivery was awesome and so as the product.

Customer Support :

This is the main thing which every person or business will always consider before making any purchases on any website they want to know if anything goes wrong than what the mode to have a contact with that website so that problem can be resolved, well Flipkart has a 24 hrs. customer support always ready to support you in any circumstances so it can be like you did not receive your product on time or it can be anything.
You can send them a email so that they can contact you through their Contact Us Page or you call their all India Toll Free Number - 1800 102 3547 and you can have a nice chat with their customer representative.

So now hope you like this overall review about the online shopping website Flipkart, I will be reviewing all the products I purchased from Flipkart in future if you like it you can visit their website here.


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